You need this course if…
- You wish to build on your existing quality management system internal auditing experience.
- You are an internal quality management system auditor wanting to learn about ISO 9001:2015 and how the revisions to this standard affect you.
- You are an internal auditor working in an organisation that is certified to ISO 9001 and is transitioning to the 2015 revision of the standard.
You will learn …
- How to adapt your auditing technique to accommodate the new and amended requirements in ISO 9001:2015.
- How to audit the new requirements concerning organisational context and the application of a risk-based approach.
- How to audit top management commitment and leadership.
- How to audit processes and their interaction with other processes.
- The importance of quality management for the organisation and its customers.
You will need …
- To have attended an internal QMS auditor training course and have experience of conducting quality management system audits.
- It would be beneficial for you to have knowledge of ISO 9001:2015 prior to attending this courses, which ideally will have been acquired by attending the LRQA “ISO 9001:2015 What’s It All About Then?” training course