ISO 9001:2015 QMS Lead Auditor Course in Lagos (IRCA & CQI Certified)

This is a professional level course which outlines the fundamentals of auditing practice. The course has been developed as per CQI and IRCA requirements to nurture skills and knowledge in the individuals for planning, conducting, and concluding a first, second or third party auditing for Management systems based on ISO 9001:2015. The course has been designed in line with the requirements of ISO 19011 and ISO17021 for auditing Management systems[line]

Who should attend?

This CQI-IRCA certified ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor/Auditor course is designed for Quality Managers, Auditors, Consultants and other Individuals who want or need to:

  • lead an organization to become ISO 9001:2015 certified
  • audit Quality Management Systems (QMS) against ISO 9001:2015 requirements
  • lead an audit team or become Third-Party Auditors
  • add to your credibility with a widely accepted qualification  satisfy the classroom part of the formal training requirement to achieve certification as a CQI-IRCA auditor
  •  Directors and members of Top Management
  • Quality Professionals to gain worth in terms of certification and auditing skills
  • Entrepreneurs starting a business or wishing to expand their existing business
  • Businessmen who wish to increase their profit and revenue
  • Fresh Graduate for better job prospective in any field
  • Internal Auditors who wish to become external auditors for QMS [line]


Students should have the knowledge of:

  • The Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) cycle
  • The relationship between quality management and customer satisfaction
  • Commonly used quality management terms and definitions
  • The 7 quality principles as given in ISO 9000
  • The process approach
  • The model of a process based quality management system, the structure and content of ISO 9001.[line]

Course Content – Learning Objectives

Delegates will be coached in the philosophy, structure and implementation of quality management systems, the requirements of the ISO 9000:2015 series of standards including ISO 9001:2015 Management System.

Audit role plays, individual and team practical exercises are used to enhance delegate learning and to prepare students for the different activities undertaken by auditors / lead auditors, such as producing visit plans, conducting assessments and producing assessment reports.

Case-studies are examined to prepare students for typical scenarios which often arise and to deal professionally with the stresses experienced during live auditing.[line]

Course Outline

The 5 day course has been designed to meet the CQI and IRCA requirement for certification of Lead Auditor based on ISO 9001:2015 QMS. The course covers:-

  1. Introduction to Auditing and important Audit terminologies
  2. Requirements for planning the audits
  3. Stage 1 (Desktop) Auditing
  4. Planning for onsite Auditing
  5. Desktop onsite Auditing
  6. Onsite Audit Process including opening Meetings, Objective evidence collection, Communication during the audit
  7. Audit Findings and grading the non conformities
  8. Audit conclusion including audit report preparation
  9. Closing meeting and outcome of the audit
  10. Corrective action plan and audit follow up

On completion, successful students will have the following knowledge and skills:

  • A deep understanding of the ISO 9000:2015 series of standards along with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, ISO 9004:2009 and of quality management systems.
  • Understand and explain the role and responsibilities of an auditee/auditor / lead auditor to plan, conduct, report and follow up a 1st, 2nd and 3rd party audit
  • Be able to plan, conduct, report and follow-up a 1st, 2nd and 3rd party audit.[line]

Certificate of Training

On satisfactory completion of the course including continuous assessment, students will receive a certificate of attendance. For those who pass the examination which is undertaken on the final day of the course, students will receive an internationally recognized certificate of successful completion of coursework and Examination certified by the CQI/IRCA.[line]